Monday, September 30, 2013

Decrease Energy Costs with Insulated Metal Wall Panels

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Insulated Metal Panels
Insulated Metal Panels Lowers Energy Bills!
September 30, 2013 


   R-Value: Decrease Energy Costs with Insulated Metal Wall Panels
PermaTherm's insulated metal panels offer superior cost-effectiveness and energy-efficiency through their industry-leading R-values, an important measurement to consider when selecting building materials for a construction project. The structural insulated panel (or SIP) R-value is a reflection of how successfully the product can resist heat flow and provide effective temperature control - the higher the R-value, the greater the insulation.
At PermaTherm, we offer more insulation R-value than any other panel product available. Our metal panel systems can be custom-manufactured up to 12 inches thick, with an R-value up to 50. We also offer the lowest cost-per-R in the industry, and our panels preserve their insulation R-value, rather than decreasing in efficiency with age as many similar products do. With Permatherm insulated metal panels, you're guaranteed to improve the temperature control of your facility and also reduce your energy costs in the future.
You will also be using one the strongest insulated panels on the market... but that's another newsletter. Be on the lookout.
Want to learn more about PermaTherm's R-value and r value in general? Contact our team of insulated metal wall panel manufacturers online, or call us today at (706) 468-7500!



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