Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Insulated Metal Panels Maximizing Cooling Efficiency

Thermally-Efficient Cold Storage
for Fruit and Vegetables
While PermaTherm's cold room panels are used to construct metal panel systems for a variety of applications, many of our clients find them especially effective in cold storage for fruit and vegetables, such as strawberries, lettuce or cabbage. Unlike traditional coolers or freezers, our metal building systems can cool your yield quickly and evenly, prolonging the shelf life of your fruits and vegetables and ultimately increasing your profit margins.
When it comes to cooling fruit, cold storage with insulated metal panels is ideal, because some types of fruit and vegetables retain field heat and can end up wilting or decaying quickly without an effective cooling system. Our metal panel systems create an air-tight, heat-resistant cold room with panels that increase in R-value as temperatures drop. But what does this mean? Let's say you're a strawberry farmer who needs to eliminate the field heat from your strawberries quickly - if you construct a cold room using our structural insulated panels, your yield will be cooled faster and more evenly than traditional cooling methods, such as packing your products in ice, which will only cool the top and bottom of your strawberries, leaving the middle heat-damaged. Instead, our panels snap together easily to create an airtight, temperature-controlled environment that completely preserves your products - faster than traditional coolers and freezers.
Want to learn more about our cold room panels? Find out why our panels are ideal for cold storage of fruits and vegetables by calling (706) 468-7500 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (706) 468-7500 FREE  end_of_the_skype_highlighting or contacting our team of insulated metal panel manufacturers online.
Come visit  our Website

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